Fitness Coaching
Price: from $150/mo*
Custom Training Plan Every 4 Weeks
Power Profile Testing & Training
Basic File Analysis (HR, Power, Metrics)
Off-bike Strength Programming
Weekly Ride Data Feedback
Monthly Phone Check-in
No training plan adjustments in the 4 weeks
INSCYD Metabolic Testing available at a discounted rate
Price: from $325/mo*
Custom Training Plan Delivered Weekly
Power Profile Testing & Training
Advanced File Analysis via WKO5 + INSCYD
Off-bike Strength Programming
Daily Ride & Workout Review
Weekly Phone Check-ins
Unlimited adjustments to plan
4 INSCYD Metabolic Tests included every 12 months ($1200 value)
Premium TrainingPeaks Account
Unlimited email/text with 24-hour response*
On-bike skills session at 40% discount
Strength + Mobility Integration
Nutrition advisement for training and race performance
INSCYD Physiological Test
Price: $300
The performance you are looking for is composed of a variety of components and metrics, but if you only focus on FTP, HR zones, or keep training solely on Rate of Perceived Exertion, you’ll miss accuracy and efficiency. INSCYD takes into account and connects the most important metrics for training purposes:
Anaerobic threshold (FTP)
Lactate accumulation and recovery
Fat and carbohydrate combustion
VLamax (or glycolytic capacity)
Traditionally only available through lab testing we can now conduct remote field testing bringing the power of these insights to you increasing access and repeatability.
Working with a coach will help you prepare for your goals in a sustainable manner by looking at your training history, current plan, and desired outcomes, then providing direction that is evidence-based for results.
Are you ready to work together to further your progression as a rider? Whatever your goals, I would be excited to be a part of your development journey. Please reach out to see if we are the right fit!